Wednesday, February 6, 2013

#8 - Shelter from the Storm

8 – MOONRISE KINGDOM: Into the elite eight we go, with Wes Anderson’s portrayal of childhood isolation and intimacy.  The setting makes this movie, as it all takes place on an island in middle-of-nowhere, picturesque New England.  Sam and Suzy have been penpals for a year and decide to run away together, since they are both quite unhappy.  Sam has no friends in his boyscout troop, and Suzy is depressed at home.  The chemistry between these two is excellent in a weird, quirky, unexpected way, and they both share a strong sense of optimism about the world despite their current troubles. (continues after the jump)

As the two camp out in the forest, the race begins as the adults realize what’s going on and a dangerous storm threatens the island.  The music, costume designs, and dialogue all have an unusual, peculiar, youthful tone to them.  It toes the line between melancholy and adventure/hope well, and I found myself heavily invested in the outcome.  Out in the wild, away from the pretensions of the world, these two can finally experience some freedom.  The supporting cast seems to dive into their roles, and Bill Murray is hysterical as Suzy’s clueless, robotic father.  The third act was a bit chaotic, but it was done well and provided a very satisfying conclusion to one of the most pleasant films of the year.

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